664 879 943
Massage Shiatsu Barcelona C. Comte Borrell, 90 Barcelona 08015 Metro : Urgell - Sant Antoni
Tel : 664 879 943 email : salmart1@yahoo.com Opening Time : 10.00 a 20.00
For our wellbeing we need : Energy is everything and everywhere.
* Oxígen * Good Words
* Water * Healthy Emotions
* Healthy foods * Physical Exercise
* Positive Thinking  
We can live without eating for weeks,without water for days, but without oxygen we die
in minutes. If we want to lead a healthy life, we need to breath properly. More oxygen
enters our lungs more energy we will have.
Our body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent of water, blood is mostly water,
and our muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Our body needs water to
regulate body temperature and provide the means for nutrients to travel to all our organs.
Water also transports oxygen to our cells, removes waste,and protects our joints and organs.
Healthy foods
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables can reduce our chance of getting cancer, diabetes, heart
disease. People who eat healthy foods feel, look better,they have fewer medical problems
and miss less days from work or school.
People who eat healthy foods also feel more energetic and live longer than people who don't.
Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking bring Positive Things!
Every thought we think is created by choice or habit, every
thought we think creates your health and circumstances!
Good words
When we raise a glass to someone, we address the other person with the words: "Your health". We are in fact wishing that they are in "good health" the kind of words we use to describe our situations and our lives are the way we perceive our lives to be. Our perception then is the reality.
Emociones Positivas
When we have healthy emotions we are in control of our thoughts, feelings and behavior,
in this state of mind, we feel good about ourself, we can readily engage in good relationships. Without a doubt, emotions must be sound in order to have a healthy mind.

Physical Exercise
Regular exercise, 3 or more times per week will reduce our risk factor for heart disease,
hormone dependent cancers, diabetes and other illnesses. A study of the Southwestern
Medical Center of Texas University, Dallas says that physical inactivity and overweight
produce more than 300,000 deaths annually in the U.S.
Whoever has no time to do exercises, will need to find time for illness.
Massage Shiatsu Barcelona C. Comte Borrell, 90 Barcelona 08015 Metro : Urgell - Sant Antoni
Tel : 664 879 943 email : salmart1@yahoo.com Opening Time : 10.00 a 20.00




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